Math a Way of Thinking

This intermediate math workshop ...
  • Provides methods, materials and activities for helping all children learn mathematics.
  • Helps teachers develop a framework for implementing the use of a child-centered mathematics curriculum.
  • Provides experiences which help teachers evaluate the value of other materials and programs.
  • Emphasizes the implementation of the NCTM Curriculum and Evaluation Standards for School Mathematics and Common Core Standards.
  • Helps teachers implement the NCTM mandate of Algebra for everyone.
  • Provides a set of problem solving skills that are not grade level specific and which encourage creativity and divergent thinking.
  • Focuses on helping teachers redefine their role from that of teachers of arithmetic to teachers of mathematics.
  • Compatible with most states' Standards.
Math a Way of Thinking book

 Course text   Mathematics...A Way of Thinking,written by Bob Baratta-Lorton

 Course Number  EDM 211A  - Mathematics a Way of Thinking

 Course Fee 

  • $350 per person if received prior to the workshop
  • $375 per person if received at or after the start of the workshop
  • One Day Inservice (maximum of 40 participants - $2,500)

Enrollment and Credit information & what to bring on the first day of the workshop.


Math a Way of Thinking Course Syllabus is a .pdf file that can be viewed and printed. It requires Adobe Acrobat Reader 3 or higher. Acrobat Reader is free at



Math a Way of Thinking picture

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